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Our 33rd episode is packed with book recommendations as Adam is joined by Jim and Quinton in the OverDrive offices to offer up the books they’ve loved lately. See the list below for links to all the titles discussed on the episode. As this was the first ever “all male” episode they also brainstormed some […] Read more
Posted on: July 21, 2016 Category:

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Our 32nd episoee features Dawn Kurtagich, author of And The Trees Crept In, a Young Adult psychological horror that is both breathtaking and terrifying. Dawn, however, could not be more cheerful! She spoke with Adam at the American Library Association Annual Convention in Orlando where they discussed the difficult life situations that inspire her writing, the […] Read more
Posted on: July 18, 2016 Category:

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Our 31st episode features Jordanna Max Brodsky, author of the The Immortals, book one in the Olympus Bound series. She shares with Adam her writing process of needing to write five days a week and all about the places she has traveled for research places. She and Adam also discuss their shared love of musicals, […] Read more
Posted on: July 14, 2016 Category:

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In our 30th episode, Adam talks with author Gene Gant, a strong advocate for #WeNeedDiverseBooks, especially those that feature LGBT characters. Gant’s latest book, Bender, was realized in June and he’s also an author of young adult literature including Lucky Linus. He and Adam discuss his writing process, the importance of diverse characters, and his […] Read more
Posted on: June 30, 2016 Category:

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